Corporate Governance


The solidity of a major group

An equal joint venture between Stellantis and Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility, Leasys is present in 11 markets with a complete range of products and services for dedicated mobility and flexible rental.

Leasys Spa Executive Committee

Rolando D'Arco

Chief Executive Officer

Antoine Delautre

Chief Finance Officer & Deputy CEO

Federico Sanguinetti

Head of G6 Markets & European Sales

Pietro Nardi

Italy Deputy Country Manager

Igor Dumas

France Country Manager

Sebastiano Fedrigo

Head of G3 Markets & Business Develop.

Enrico Favale

Chief Legal & Corporate Officer

Laura Martini

Chief Marketing Officer

Alexey Proshin

Chief Credit Officer

Davide Pupello

Chief Quality Officer

Patrizio Scifo

Chief Human Resources Officer

Christian Séré-Annichini

Chief Operations Officer

Benoit Sponton

Chief Information Technology

Jean Mathieu Stevens

Chief Risk Officer

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